+254717902885, +254732894751
Mon - Fri 08:00-17:00
Free consultant
+254717902885, +254732894751
Mon - Fri 08:00-17:00
Free consultant
Managing Partner

Charles Kimathi

 I bring a wealth of experience and a diverse skill set to my practice. I am a certified mediator and arbitrator, this duo expertise allows me to offer alternative dispute resolution services alongside legal representation. This capability enables me to provide clients with amicable solutions outside the courtroom. My commitment to understanding each client’s needs and dedication to achieving the best outcomes have earned me a reputation for excellence in the legal community. I strive to deliver comprehensive legal support that upholds justice and foster resolution.

Pratice Area

We have specialized skills and knowledge in;

Civil & criminal litigation

Conveyancing & Real Estate

Legal & Legislative drafting

Family & Succession

Corporate & Commercial law

Immigration law

Intellectual property

Incorporation, Restructuring & Insolvency

Alternative Dispute Resolution

General Practice



what we are expert at

Why Clients Choose Us?

We understand that choosing a legal representation is a significant decision. Clients choose us for our unwavering commitment to excellence and personalized service. Our team is committed to bring expertise on every case they get to handle. Our commitment to leveraging technology allows us to streamline processes and provides efficient solutions tailored to client’s needs.

Our reputation for delivering favorable outcomes speaks for itself, it is backed by the trust and satisfaction of our clients.  When you choose us, you’re choosing a partner who will tirelessly advocate for your rights and interests. We strive to uphold our values of integrity, professionalism and compassion.

Experience the best representation by Charles Kimathi & Co. Advocates, a Tested, Approved & Trusted.

Client Consultations
Successful Cases
Recovered cost for clients

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide unparalleled legal services with a commitment to excellence, integrity, and client-focused solutions. We strive to be the trusted advisors and advocates for our clients, ensuring that their legal needs are met with the highest standards of professionalism and expertise.

Our Vision

Our vision is to be a leading legal service provider recognized for our dedication to excellence, innovation and client success. We aspire to shape the future of the legal industry by setting new standards in client service and ethical practice, while fostering a collaborative and inclusive work environment.


Words From Clients

  • Choosing this law firm to handle my case was the best decision i ever made. The team of law professionals is dedicated to achieving the best possible outcome. They provided me with the best lrgal guidance and support through my case.

    Mutuma Jm
    Clinical Officer
  • I loved how they are committed and attend to every case in details. They collaborate with their clients in each and every step of legal representation to the very end. I highly recommend them to anyone seeking legal representation.

    Linda Pk
    Digital Marker
  • I cannot express my gratitude enough to the team.From the moment i contacted them, they handled my case with compassion, professionalism, and expertise. I am thankful for the good work they did for me.

    Ochieng Odongo
  • “As members of our church, we seek guidance from those who share our values. The team not only provided expert legal counsel but also demonstrated a deep sense of compassion and empathy. Their faith-driven approach to our legal matters gave us great peace of mind.”

    Life Church International Nairobi
  • “The team  exemplify the Christian values of honesty and integrity. Their dedication to justice and fairness reassured us during a challenging legal process. We felt supported and understood, knowing our case was in capable hands.”

    The Methodist Church in Kenya

Contact Info

Call Now : +254717902885 || +254732894751

  • info@charleskimathiadvocates.com
  • Mon - Fri 08:00-17:00
  • Kahawa sukari avenue Mizpha house, 3 rd Fl. Rm 3 opposite quickmart
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Law is complicate matter. It can cause you a big problem. Let us help you!